March Worm Super Moon

Namaste All,

I am Rev Drea your Spiritual Chiropractor, welcome to the March Worm Moon.

This past Monday was the March Worm Moon Super moon.  The March full moon gets its name from Native Americans. The meaning of why it’s dubbed the “worm moon,” according to the Farmer’s Almanac, is “At the time of this Moon, the ground begins to soften enough for earthworm casts to reappear, inviting the return of robins and migrating birds — a true sign of spring. Roots start to push their way up through the soil, and the Earth experiences a rebirth as it awakens from its winter slumber.” The worm moon on March 1 welcomes the return of spring.

Full moons in general carry spiritual significance. It’s a time to flush things out of your system as a lunar cycle completes itself. Along with the moonbeams comes an illumination of energy. And it’s all for you to harness and produce something positive out of it. Focus on what’s holding you back from achieving your goals and meditate on how to let go or get over those hurdles.

As we head towards Spring’s arrival on the 19th of March, you will feel a lot of shifting energy around you as the energy of new beginnings rises up to greet us. The radiant full moon can be the spiritual night light we need for our souls. The worm moon is no exception.

This Worm moon is also a Super moon, which is a powerful time for meditation, self-reflection, healing and recharging.  As the earth begins to regenerate, so do we. Let those spiritual icicles melt and nourish the soil of your soul, so a new you can bloom.

Spring is also known to re-energize us to clean everything.  It is to no surprise then that the full worm moon also inspires this energy in us. It’s time to clean up more than our closet. Freshen up your attitude towards life. Spiffy up that vision board. As spiritual advisor Cherokee Billie reported, “trust that this is a good time of reflection and revising your journey in life. In the grand flow of life, these inward moving energies are conducive for fine tuning and helping to bring greater clarity, awareness, and focus.” It’s the perfect time to do a little spiritual fine tuning or Spiritual Spring cleaning.

Here are some things we can do to take advantage of the energy of this Worm Super moon and get us ready for the Spring equinox that will take place on March 19, 2020.

Mental Spring Cleaning/Emotional Spring Cleaning – We often lose momentum with the goals we have in our lives because we get stuck with the expectations that we have around them.   We have ideas about how these goals are to unfold, when it is going to happen and how the journey is supposed to look.  We must be willing to clean out these worn out ideas and feelings about how things are supposed to happen and be open unlimited possibilities of how your good can manifest.  What nature reminds us is that it is not about expectations, but of expectancy.   There are no two snowflakes that are alike, but we know that snow will fall.   Don’t be too rigid in the planning and execution of your goals.  Rather be focused on the frequency and vibration of achieving the goal. Capitalize on the momentum and the positive energy of the forward progress.  And you will be surprised and how the universe will conspire to help you manifest the desires of your heart

Financial Spring Cleaning – We are coming to the close of the first quarter of this 2020.  This is the time to review and reassess the financial budgets that you have created for yourself.  What kind of saving you have done this far and how you can tweak your finances in order to successfully reach your financial goals for this year.  Perhaps, we have gotten a raise, or added and extra bill like a new car.  Or have had some setbacks like some medical bills.   Spring reminds us that we must be flexible enough to adapt our plans and the tools we use to the ever-changing dynamics of this life.  And as we prune the dead leaves of budget that may no longer serve us, we make room for a more robust growth in our financial future.

Relational Spring Cleanings – There are people and relationships that we have been holding on to because we have become accustomed to those people being in our lives.  Even though they may be energy vampires to us.   We make keep them in our lives because we feel we can change them.   Or, for some reason we become martyrs somehow believing that we are responsible for them.   The Truth is that those relationships are unhealthy and being ruled not by friendship and love but by ego.  We must review and revise our view of these co-dependent relationships.  Allow yourself the space stand on your truth, and they will either evolve in relation to you or remove themselves from your life.  In either case, you have made room for the blooming of more healthy and supportive relationships to come.

Spiritual Spring Cleaning – Finally use the spiritual laws, the habits of success and the foundational principles of truth as your spiritual cleaning tools.  Your mops, brooms and cleaning clothes, to clear of the cobwebs of old outdated thoughts and ideas and make way for the newness of life.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I use my Spiritual cleansing tools to embrace the newness and nowness of life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

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