An Attitude Adjustment for these challenging times.

Namaste All. I am Rev. Drea your Spiritual Chiropractor here to bring you a very special Attitude Adjustment. 

I read two disturbing articles this week. The first was a series of stories about people fighting in stores over toilet tissue. In one case, a woman slapped another woman. In another case someone ended up in the hospital and still other people went to blows and were given citations for inappropriate behavior.

The second story was about a man in Tennessee that went on a 1300- mile road trip around Tennessee and Kentucky and purchased hoarded 18,000 hand sanitizers, masks and wipes. He then turned around and sold 300 of the sanitizers online at a huge mark-up of anywhere from $8 to $70 before Amazon has removed their listing due to price gouging. He is now under investigation by the Tennessee Attorney General.

After reading these stories, I am here to conduct and Attitude adjustment for our community, our country and our world. There has been a paradigm shift in our society that has led to a misalignment. Some of us in our global community have forgotten our humanity and the most important commandment in the Bible.

In Luke 10:27, Jesus instructs us to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It is imperative that we do not allow this paradigm shift to alter who we fundamentally are as unique individuated expressions of God. As spiritual beings of love. And as human beings of decency. We should not be fighting with each other over material things. Especially, not things as basic as toilet paper, when we already all have a common enemy. And I do not mean the COVID 19 virus. I mean fear. Yesterday, New York City Mayor, Andrew Cuomo, expressed that fear not the virus is our biggest and most concerning infection.

Remember fear is the absence of love. The Love of self, love community and love of those less fortunate than us. In Matthew 25:40-45, it says ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’

In Love, we will only take what we know we need and not what we fear we will need. In Love, we will remember that our fellow man is also in need of these items. In Love we will remember that we are one, As Rev Sharon says, “one in love, on in Truth and one in God.” In the end, if we do not help our fellow man in crisis like these then we are truly only hurting ourselves in the long run.

Exodus chapter 16 it speaks of the time that people had been led out of Egypt and were in the desert and were hungry and discontent after 15 days, grumbling about food. And the Lord said “I am going to rain manna from heaven for you.  The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.” Most did as they were told. Some tried to hoard some for the next day and by morning the supply was spoiled and filled with maggots. In this story, some in the community believed in lack and limitation, instead of the truth that there is always enough for all.

In every story I shared in the beginning the lack of humanity led to injury, arrest, even death threats. Outcomes not wanted and consequences yet to be fully realized.

The truth is that there is always unlimited abundance and prosperity. In every paradigm shift, we can do three things to resist fear, express love and remember our connection with the abundance and prosperity of the universe.

First, we must listen to the wisdom of our foundational principles to ground us in Truth: There is only one presence and power in the universe, we are one with that power. As such we are one with all there is, and all that we desire, need and want we are already in alignment with. So if we are grateful for what we do have, and know that if we stay open to Truth and Love we will route out fear and attract all the “manna from heaven.”

Second, we must use the spiritual laws to govern our thoughts and feelings. Remember that it is our thoughts that create the hell or heaven that we experience for every situation or circumstance that we face. Don’t forget that if we are grateful and thankful for what we do have, and are honest and clear-headed about we do need, want or desire, the supply will be there. And be open to how that supply comes. Remember expectancy not expectation. We have no idea how the universe will conspire to bring you what you need, but if you are open to and expectancy of good. Then, you will be sure to recognize the good when it comes.

And Third, we must employ the 7 Habits of highly effective people to help to order our steps. Habit #4 is Think Win/Win. Covey says “Win/win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win/win means that agreements are mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying. With a Win/Win solution all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan.”

The stories I shared earlier were about some negative paradigm shifts due to coronavirus. But for every negative shift, there are many more positive paradigm shifts that have resulted in Win/Win behavior. There is a distillery in GA that has chosen to stop making Spirits and to instead make hand sanitizers to give away. FEMA even approached them to buy the sanitizers from them for their use. And the distillery declined because they are going to make it and distribute them for free.

Celebrity chef Jose Andres saw an opportunity for a win/win. Instead of closing his DC and NY restaurants and having to lay off workers. Jose Andres turned his restaurants into community kitchens to employ his workers and provide food for those who will need it.

Even the gentleman who hoarded the sanitizers has since donated the majority of them to communities in Tennessee and Kentucky.

There are many stories of Win/Win scenarios that we can see as examples of how we can make a positive paradigm shift.

If we do just those things, listen to the wisdom of our foundational principles, use the spiritual laws to govern our thoughts and feelings, and employ the 7 Habits of highly effective people to help to order our steps. We will replace fear with love. Attract the abundance of Divine ideas and the prosperity of solutions to combat this situation. And come out on the other side with our humanity intact.


Today’s Affirmation is:

“I Employ Wisdom, Love and Right Action to create a Positive Paradigm Shift Today.”

~ Rev. Drea

  • Photo by Bluehouse Skis on Unsplash
  • Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
  • Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

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