Namaste All,
In the wake of this Covid-19 pandemic we have been given all kinds of advice for us to stay safe physically, mentally, and emotionally. How to boost our immune systems and reduce stress and ways to stay emotionally connected even while physically distancing.
What I want to cover today is how to strengthen your Spiritual Immune System. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are three-fold beings – mind, body, and soul. And it is your spiritual immune system that will help to protect all three aspects.
In your physical body, the immune system is the set of tissues and mechanisms that work together to resist and/or neutralize viruses, infections, pathogens, or any other foreign threat to the proper functioning of your body.
Your Spiritual Immune System is your optimal frequency and vibration also known as your YES! Frequency or Your Energy Signature. It is the frequency and vibration at which you operate that keeps you fully aligned with Spirit. It allows you to be the best and highest expression of yourself. And it helps you to weather storms, trials, tribulations, and challenges of life.

Just as it is vitally important that your keep a strong physical immune system to prevent dis-ease in the body. It is equally as important that you have a healthy Spiritual Immune System to maintain your alignment with Spirit and prevent the virus that can make you feel like you are separated from God.

Webster’s defines a virus as an infective agent that is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host. It is a harmful or corrupting influence capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect on its host.
The viruses that affect our Spiritual Immune Systems the most are error thinking, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and emotions.
Let’s first discuss Negative Thoughts and Emotions. They create the most immediate types reaction often manifesting in the physical body. The disturbance in your frequency and vibration can express itself as anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, hyperventilation and can cause you to lash out verbally and physically.

Next is Error Thinking. It warps your frequency and vibration by altering your perspective and the functioning of the mind. You no longer look at every situation, circumstance, and experience through the eyes of Truth. Instead, it affects your mind and you begin to see things with a victim mentality, in the illusion of fear, or from the point of view of lack and limitation. This virus is good at replication. It causes you to focus on a negative thought, which leads to another negative thought and another until you’re spiraling in a world wind of negativity. This will prevent you from thinking clearly and rationally, not allowing you to focus on the most important thing. Your connection and oneness with Spirit.
The third and most insidious virus that we face is that of Limiting Beliefs. They can break us down spiritually. They can cause us to forget the truth of who we are…unique unrepeatable expressions of Spirit. Limiting beliefs can make us feel like we are not worthy of all the good the universe has to offer. When in fact we are heirs to this kingdom. Limiting beliefs are so bad that we take on the beliefs of others that say we are not smart enough, not strong enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not man enough, not woman enough, when in fact the truth is we are made in the image and according to the likeness of Spirit. And we have within us everything that we need to succeed. And Spirit is constantly imparting it wisdom knowledge and Divine understanding for us to call forth and manifest desires of our hearts.

So how do we boost and maintain a healthy Spiritual Immune System. Well, the following are a few vitamins and supplements that will help.
The first is Gratitude. I consider that to be the vitamin C of our spiritual supplement. It is a top-rated immune booster because Gratitude is the frequency and vibration of happiness. It is one of the greatest attractors of that which you desire. The more you are grateful for what you have, the more you will be given to be grateful for.

The second is Meditation (Be Still and Know). It is your vitamin b complex because they function in the same way. Meditation has been proven to directly impact your energy levels, brain function and metabolism. It balances your frequency and vibration in peace, grounds you in Truth and allows for concentration, focus, and clarity of mind.
The third and my favorite is Love. Love is like a vaccine. It is the most healing and harmonizing force in the universe. It allows for healing of ourselves and others. Like a vaccine, love gives you immunity by stimulating the production of the antibodies of compassion, kindness, and empathy. Love exponentially expands your frequency and vibration to empower you to be the best expression of yourself and be of service to the world.
Our affirmation for today is:
“I Strengthen my Spiritual Immune System with a Grateful Heart, a Peaceful Mind and a Loving Spirit.”
~ Rev. Drea
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash
Photo by CDC on Unsplash