Happy Spring!

Namaste and Good Day All!

Happy Spring Everyone, today is the Vernal (Spring) equinox. It is also the final super moon of 2019. These two events have not occurred on the same date since 1981. That means there is a lot of energy swirling around us.

This full moon is called a super moon because it is approximately 6% closer to the earth than usual. The energies around a super moon not only bring positive changes in your life, but also brings light that can heal your inner self by releasing the negative energy and emotional turmoil you might be experiencing.

The Spring equinox which usually takes place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of March occurs when the night and the day are equal in length. Not only is this a good time to do some mental, emotional, and Spiritual spring cleaning, but the energy that comes forth also helps you to re-establish balance in your life.

With these two astronomical events happening today there is a lot of energy available for you to strengthen your alignment and Live a Life of Intention. Here are a few suggestions.

Self-Reflection: Take some time to check in with your authentic self to see how you are doing with Living a life of intention. Are your goals in alignment with your intention? Are your thoughts, words, and actions in alignment with what you desire for your life? And finally, are you manifesting that which is for your highest and greatest good, or do you find yourself stuck unable to progress? If you are having any challenges with these questions, then it is time to use the energy of this Spring Equinox to do some Spring cleaning of those negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and error thinking that has you feeling out of alignment and unable to move forward.

Re-Affirm Your Intention & Your Goals: Use the energies of the Spring equinox to re-energize, renew and recommit to your intention for 2019. This season of new beginnings allows you to reset and reconfigure your alignment with what you desire for your highest and greatest good. During this equinox and super moon, the light energy of the moon will be available for you to access, by tuning into your heart. Allow your divine alignment to be revealed, cleansed, and energize your Spiritual journey and life’s purpose.

All Yourself to Move – Feel the positive forward momentum of growth that the season of spring brings. In the universal Divine flow of life, these energies are conducive for fine tuning and helping to bring greater clarity, awareness, and focus. This will be the time when you will have a greater awareness of the next right step in your Spiritual journey. In this now moment of the Spring Equinox and Super moon you will feel your frequency and vibration begin to shift and expand to match the energy of the season. Take advantage of this boost to get unstuck and begin Living a Life of Intention.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I Spring into Intention with the Frequency and Vibration of this Day!”

~Rev. Drea

Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash

With Intention, On Purpose and In Love

Namaste and good morning all. Thank you for sharing you frequency and vibration on this day.  Welcome to another day of Intentional Living. Living a life of Intention means remembering your alignment to the Wisdom of the Universe. This Wisdom goes beyond acquired knowledge or experiences. It is knowing who you are as a Spiritual being and how it is expressed as your Authentic Self.

We are all individuated expressions of what we call Divine Mind, Universal Intelligence, Spirit or God. Whether we are expressions of love, compassion, kindness, abundance, peace, happiness, or gratitude. We have the freedom to choose how we show up every moment in this world.

So, take time daily to meditate, pray or simply be still and connect with the ever-flowing source of Wisdom. When you do this, the decisions you make will be made in peace, the actions you take will be done on purpose, the words you share will be given in love and all will be in alignment with your highest and greatest good.

Today’s Affirmation

“I choose to live my life with Intention, on Purpose and in Love.”

~Rev. Drea

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash