Know Your Power

I came across the following quote:

When you no longer split your flow of energy with contradictory thoughts you will know your power.

~ Abraham Hicks

When I read that quote, it stopped me in my tracks.  It brought a kind of focus and clarity to what many of us are experiencing right now.   A disruption in our energy signature.  A disruption in our YES! Frequency.  Remember, we are a part of one big energy field, I call the universal divine flow of life.  It is an unlimited, eternal, ever expanding flow of love, abundance, and prosperity.   And no matter the situation, circumstance, or experience, you cannot be separated from that flow. 

There is a lot of fear, anxiety, and frustration swirling around in our external world right now and we have allowed it to creep in and disrupt our energy flow.  This disruption has resulted in what I call a misalignment that has manifested itself into Spiritual Amnesia, Emotional Constipation and Mental Arthritis.

Spiritual Amnesia is when we forget what it says in Genesis, that we are made in the image and according to the likeness of Spirit.   That means we are a necessary and integral part of the Divine energy field.   That we are in alignment with all there is.   That we are one with love, kindness, compassion, and abundance that is God.  And when we forget our alignment we create an illusion of separation.  We feel disconnected from that flow of divine energy that is constantly nourishing us and recharging us. We must learn to go within with meditation and prayer and listen for that still small voice that will reconnect us  or plug us back in to the divine love and understanding of Spirit. 

Emotional Constipation is when we refuse to acknowledge the feelings that we have about what we are experiencing by suppressing or depressing these emotions.  The problem with this is that your emotions are a form of energy and The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another. So, those suppressed emotions will build up until the internal pressure becomes too great and they manifest in unpredictable often negative ways.   But if you acknowledge these emotions you can decide how you feel about these emotions and how you will respond.  That is, you using your superpower of choice to transform, transfer or transmute that energy into something positive, constructive and/or loving.

Mental Arthritis is the inability to think rationally and objectively without judgment.  We are so busy holding on to the way we think things must be that we are unable see what can be.   This blocks the energy flow of knowledge that is always moving in and through us.  Each and every moment is pregnant with all possibilities, the answer to our questions, and  the solutions to our problems. The next right step for us to take is always s available to us if we would only loosen the grip of arthritic thinking and open ourselves to the Divine wisdom of the universe.

Here is my prescription for getting back into the flow.  For strengthening honoring and acknowledging your alignment with all there is. And truly Knowing Your Power.   Deepak Chopra calls it:

The 4 A’s

1. Attention or deep listening. I call it Self Awareness. Take time to get to know you, the true and authentic you.  What to you desire, how do feel, what makes you happy. How does your body feel when you are happy sad, mad, excited, etc.  commune with yourself.   The more you listen to and pay attention to you and get to know you, the better you become at controlling your response to anything that life will throw at you and the quicker you will be able to recover.  That is Self-Awareness.

2. Affection or deep caring – Which is self-care.   Are you taking care of you.  Are you eating right, getting enough rest, exercising, finding time for yourself.   If you are not taking time to recharge your batteries, you will not be operating at your optimal frequency and vibration, which is your YES! Frequency.   Recharge your batteries, engage in self-care, show that affection for yourself and you will be able to fully participate in this universal divine flow of life.

3. Appreciation –Acknowledging the good qualities in yourself is a form of self-love.   Remember you are a unique unrepeatable miracle.  An individuated expression of Spirit.  And the more you learn to love and appreciate you in all your glory, the more you will shine as your highest and best self.

4. Acceptance – Self-acceptance is recognizing who you really are.  You are a Spiritual being having a human experience and in that human experience you will make mistakes.   Don’t beat yourself up, but instead learn from your mistakes, expand in consciousness, and in turn you will live in alignment with the abundance prosperity and love of the universe.

When you learn to embrace the true you through self-awareness, self-care, self-compassion, and self-acceptance, then and only then will you know your true power.

Our Affirmation for today:

“I have the power to respond positively to all circumstances in my life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Mustafa Omar on Unsplash

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