States of Happiness

Namaste and Good Day All!

I have something special to share with you. Today at Living Truth 365 Spiritual Center the speaker for the Journey in Truth service was Dr. Rocco Errico.

Dr. Errico is the preeminent scholar in Aramaic Biblical studies in world. The topic of his lesson was The Beatitudes: States of Happiness.

Not only did Dr. Rocco, as he is affectionately known by his students, break down a couple of the Beatitudes. He also gave us some background on the life and ministry of Jesus from the perspective of the Ancient Near East.

It is always a treat to hear Dr. Rocco Errico speak, and you come out all the richer for it.

To see the entire lesson given by Dr. Rocco Errico, including an introduction by Ms. Jada Harris, please click here.

Yours In Truth,

Rev. Drea

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