Super Full Blood Wolf Moon: A tool for Intentional Living

This Sunday, January 20 through Monday, January 21 is a special event that is occurring in the night sky. It will be a Super Full Blood Wolf Moon. A Super moon happens when the moon is closest to Earth.  A Blood Moon occurs when the moon, earth, and sun are aligned, and the moon passes into earth’s shadow at the time of a total eclipse, it will turn a deep red, creating a blood moon. The first full moon of the year is known as the wolf moon.

The energies of a full moon are pretty strong to begin with. But with the addition of a total lunar eclipse you then have an energetic event that will benefit you if you to take advantage of it. Reaffirm your Intentions and acknowledge, strengthen and honor your alignment to Spirit. The extraordinary energy of this lunar event can affect all three facets of your being on this earth plane – Mind, Body, and Soul. Below are some symptoms you may feel:

Mental & Emotional Level

The feminine energy of a full moon guides you toward the shadowy depths within your heart and mind. It reflects and brings up those negative thoughts, ideas, and emotions that have been hiding in the deepest, darkest places. It causes you to become acutely aware of the error thinking and overwhelming feelings of fear and uncertainty that have been holding you back from fully committing to your Intention for 2019. During this time, you can feel more sensitive, anxious and withdrawn. This is due to the heightened emotions that you are experiencing. At this same time, the moon will be closer to the earth providing greater exposure to the therapeutic and healing energy found in the rays of the super moon. This Lunar energy will give you the guidance and support to sort through what has come up for you and help you to release those things which no longer serve you. It will clear the way for a rebirth, renewal and re-commitment to all you intend for 2019.

Physical Level

The heightened emotions, sensitivity, and anxiety you may experience can leave you feeling drained and lethargic. It may interrupt your sleep pattern, causing irritability and tiredness. This happens when you are not aware of how the moon is affecting you. Instead, of fighting or trying to ignore what is coming up for you during the Lunar Eclipse. Be open, receptive and responsive to how Spirit is guiding to reveal your Authentic Self.

Spiritual Level

During this Super Full Blood Wolf Moon, you are being nudged toward releasing the control that you ego has asserted, so as to allow the Authentic Self participate fully in your Spiritual Unfoldment. The Ego often causes a misalignment between your thoughts, words, and actions and your Intention. This can leave you feeling stagnant, off balance and separated from the Divine energy of the Universe. This feeling of disconnection can cause you to forget your alignment to Spirit. However, this energy of the Full moon is here as an example of your connection and oneness to the universe. It is a reminder that the universal source of knowledge, wisdom, love, health, and abundance is always flowing, and you have the ability to tap into it at any time. You are always in alignment with Spirit.

It reminds me of the following quote:

“Eclipses are really a guiding hand from the Universe and reveal to us the next chapter of growth that is getting ready to unfold for us.”


As your Spiritual Chiropractor, I have a few adjustments to suggest. These adjustments that will aid you in recommitting to your Intention and Acknowledging, Strengthening and Honoring your alignment with Spirit.

First Adjustment

Take time to meditate. In this time of meditation and Intentional stillness, you will be able to focus on what Spirit is revealing to you and how to release it. Get rid of the old worn out negative thoughts and belief and embrace the transformation and change. This will provide mental and emotional clarity needed to acknowledge your alignment with Spirit.

Second Adjustment.

Become Active. Exercise, do yoga, take a walk, run, stretch, have sex. This will increase the oxygen and blood flow in your body. It will remove the feeling of stagnation and will encourage the cycle of sleep and rest that will bring balance back to your body. Becoming active will rejuvenate your body and strengthen your alignment with Spirit.

Third Adjustment.

Practice Self Care. Take time out to thank your body for all it does for you. Thank each and every intelligent cell for doing its perfect work and for housing your beautiful soul. Be grateful for all the lessons you have learned, the things you have had, and the experiences you have shared. And show appreciation for your Authentic Self. This State of Gratitude is the best way to honor your alignment with Spirit. The energy of this Super Full Blood Wolf Moon is expected to last until August so make those adjustments, reaffirm your Intention for 2019 and see how Awesome this year will be.

Today’s Affirmation is:

I am in alignment with my Intention for 2019.”

~Rev. Drea

Photo by Matteo Grassi on Unsplash

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