Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse

Friday, January 10, 2020 will be the first full moon after the new year, known as the “Wolf Moon”. As we have discussed, many times, before a full moon is a powerful time in which our emotions are brought to the surface for serious self-examination. This full moon will bring light to those dark places of our soul that we have conveniently hidden. We now have the opportunity to use our 2020 Spiritual vision to see what the Truth is for your vibrational frequency and alignment with the universe.

This is a special full moon. Not only is it the first full moon of the year, but we will also be experiencing a lunar eclipse. The first of four that will be occurring in 2020. That means that January 2020 is a power month that is all about recognizing, honoring and revealing your 2020 Spiritual Vision. This full moon will be filled with emotionally charged energy. Energy that will also help us look at the relational energies that we have allowed into our lives.

Take this time to gain clarity about your acquaintances, familial relationships, work relationships, and spiritual relationships. Recognize that you have the choice on how these relationships will or will not play a part in your life. Are these relationships energy vampires or are they supportive, encouraging and inspiring?

During a lunar eclipse, the veil between worlds is very thin to allow the energies of the universe to help release and make way for forward momentum and a greater expansion and awareness of conscious. We will all experience this energy differently, but we will experience it.

As the lunar eclipse helps you release, it is a great time to fill that void by setting your intentions and goals for 2020 and the decade beyond. I encourage you to take the next 28 days to sit with this Divine energy of the Full Wolf Moon Lunar eclipse and do the following:

  • Define the core values that will govern your life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • Establish your intentions on how you plan to show up for yourself and for others. And finally,
  • Set your goals, for what you want to accomplish, which are in alignment with your core values and your intentions.

Once you do this work. You will gain the clarity and focus through your 2020 Spiritual Vision to move through any experience, whether simple or challenging, easily and effortlessly with grace.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I Use my 2020 Spiritual Vision to experience life, easily and effortlessly with grace.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash