Spiritual Immune System

Namaste All,  

In the wake of this Covid-19 pandemic we have been given all kinds of advice for us to stay safe physically, mentally, and emotionally.  How to boost our immune systems and reduce stress and ways to stay emotionally connected even while physically distancing.  

What I want to cover today is how to strengthen your Spiritual Immune System.  As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are three-fold beings – mind, body, and soul.  And it is your spiritual immune system that will help to protect all three aspects.

In your physical body, the immune system is the set of tissues and mechanisms that work together to resist and/or neutralize viruses, infections, pathogens, or any other foreign threat to the proper functioning of your body.

Your Spiritual Immune System is your optimal frequency and vibration also known as your YES! Frequency or Your Energy Signature.  It is the frequency and vibration at which you operate that keeps you fully aligned with Spirit.  It allows you to be the best and highest expression of yourself.  And it helps you to weather storms, trials, tribulations, and challenges of life.

Just as it is vitally important that your keep a strong physical immune system to prevent dis-ease in the body. It is equally as important that you have a healthy Spiritual Immune System to maintain your alignment with Spirit and prevent the virus that can make you feel like you are separated from God.

Webster’s defines a virus as an infective agent that is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host. It is a harmful or corrupting influence capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect on its host.

The viruses that affect our Spiritual Immune Systems the most are error thinking, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and emotions.

Let’s first discuss Negative Thoughts and Emotions. They create the most immediate types reaction often manifesting in the physical body.  The disturbance in your frequency and vibration can express itself as anxiety, stress, high blood pressure, hyperventilation and can cause you to lash out verbally and physically.

Next is Error Thinking. It warps your frequency and vibration by altering your perspective and the functioning of the mind.  You no longer look at every situation, circumstance, and experience through the eyes of Truth. Instead, it affects your mind and you begin to see things with a victim mentality, in the illusion of fear, or from the point of view of lack and limitation.  This virus is good at replication.  It causes you to focus on a negative thought, which leads to another negative thought and another until you’re spiraling in a world wind of negativity.  This will prevent you from thinking clearly and rationally, not allowing you to focus on the most important thing.  Your connection and oneness with Spirit.

The third and most insidious virus that we face is that of Limiting Beliefs.  They can break us down spiritually.   They can cause us to forget the truth of who we are…unique unrepeatable expressions of Spirit.  Limiting beliefs can make us feel like we are not worthy of all the good the universe has to offer.  When in fact we are heirs to this kingdom.  Limiting beliefs are so bad that we take on the beliefs of others that say we are not smart enough, not strong enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not man enough, not woman enough, when in fact the truth is we are made in the image and according to the likeness of Spirit.  And we have within us everything that we need to succeed.  And Spirit is constantly imparting it wisdom knowledge and Divine understanding for us to call forth and manifest desires of our hearts.

So how do we boost and maintain a healthy Spiritual Immune System.  Well, the following are a few vitamins and supplements that will help.

The first is Gratitude.  I consider that to be the vitamin C of our spiritual supplement.  It is a top-rated immune booster because Gratitude is the frequency and vibration of happiness.   It is one of the greatest attractors of that which you desire.  The more you are grateful for what you have, the more you will be given to be grateful for.

The second is Meditation (Be Still and Know).  It is your vitamin b complex because they function in the same way.  Meditation has been proven to directly impact your energy levels, brain function and metabolism.  It balances your frequency and vibration in peace, grounds you in Truth and allows for concentration, focus, and clarity of mind.

The third and my favorite is Love.  Love is like a vaccine.  It is the most healing and harmonizing force in the universe.  It allows for healing of ourselves and others.  Like a vaccine, love gives you immunity by stimulating the production of the antibodies of compassion, kindness, and empathy.  Love exponentially expands your frequency and vibration to empower you to be the best expression of yourself and be of service to the world.

Our affirmation for today is:

“I Strengthen my Spiritual Immune System with a Grateful Heart, a Peaceful Mind and a Loving Spirit.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Spiritual Software Developer

Namaste All.

I was listening to Deepak Chopra the other day when he was discussing the difference between our brain and our mind. He gave the analogy that our brain is the hardware but our mind is the software. What does that mean. It means that our brain is simply a tool that transmits data or information. Whereas, your mind is the operating system that tells your brain how to interpret the data.

That is a key distinction for us to understand as the owners and operators of these spiritual computers known as our bodies. We need to know how to produce the best output. In other words, we have to understand how to manifest that which is for our highest and greatest good.

We all know who Bill Gates is. He is the founder of Microsoft and considered one of the richest, if not the richest man in the world. Although many people may say that he invented the computer, this is not true. Bill Gates revolutionized the computer with the most successful operating system in the world. Called windows.

Today I will discuss becoming your own Spiritual Bill Gates to design the best operating system for you. There are three components to consider:

Data (the information) – This consists of the input from all your senses taste, touch, sight sound, and smell. The things that we experience, sense, even the emotions we have.

Brain (the hardware) – This is the tool. Its purpose is to transmit the data or information with its different parts, the four lobes, the two hemispheres, the neurons and synapse, etc. These are the mechanics. Like the mouse, keyboard, hard drive, motherboard etc.

Mind (the Software) – it tells the hardware how to interpret the data that it is receiving. This is the part of the system that we have to master in order to become our own Spiritual Bill Gates. We have to design the best operating system for our brain. How do we do that? We need to develop the code that will help the brain best interpret the data or information that it is transmitting. That means understanding the spiritual laws that govern us, so that we can best use our imagination and understanding to interpret the data.

For example, every piece of data that your brain transmits and interprets can be filtered through a fear-based operating system. So that the thoughts and feelings you have about every situation can be seen from the point of view of a victim, where you are constantly being wronged, nobody likes, you are not worthy. Your understanding of events become warped. You begin to imagine that everything is happening to you. What kind of results or output do you think will manifest in your life? Instances of victimization and abuse. Feelings of being overwhelmed and underappreciated. You feel like you have no control and you end up taking no responsibility for anything. That nothing that is for your highest and greatest good. And that, you will get nothing that you really desire.

Unfortunately, that type of programming will produce exactly those types of experiences. Like attracts like. Or in computer terms: IF THIS THEN THAT.

But you have given the power of choice. You can choose which operating system to install. Even if you have used the same operating system for the majority of your life, you have the ability to change it. You can be like Microsoft. After a while, an operating system becomes obsolete. They encourage you to change and upgrade to newer and better operating system. And at the end of its life cycle they will no longer support or put out any fixes for that obsolete system.

That is the same thing you must learn to do. When your operating system becomes obsolete (error thinking, limiting beliefs, no longer serves you) you must update or install a new one. And if you install an operating system based on love, compassion, kindness, gratitude, and oneness. Then, your brain will interpret the exact same data in an entirely different way. The thoughts and feelings that we have about each situation will be an opportunity for growth, a lesson to be learned, an experience to be had. Then, you begin to imagine that everything is happening for you. Guess what kind of output you will get with that operating system. That everything is in Divine order and is happening for your highest and greatest good.

You must also do software updates and maintenance on your computer on a regular basis. That is your prayer and meditation. It makes sure that everything running smoothly and helps with those shift that expands and increases our consciousness and understanding.

Even with the best operating system and maintenance schedule malware, or a virus might get introduced into your system. That is when you use your antivirus software…your affirmations and denials to cleanse the malicious software that might get introduced into the system.

Don’t let anyone else design and input and operating system into your computer. Be like Bill Gates and become the Chief Software Developer for your life that will help you to call forth and manifest the desires of your heart.

Today’s affirmations is:

“I AM the Chief Software Developer of My Life, and I Manifest all for My Highest and Greatest Good.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash


Namaste All,

Today is a special day, and the beginning of a wonderfully energetic weekend.   There are so many things going on this and it is all in alignment with everything that we are experiencing in the world.  So let’s take a look at everything and see how it will impact us and in turn how we can impact the world.

First of all, HAPPY JUNETEENTH!!!!

For those who are unfamiliar or are a little bit fuzzy.   Let me give a short history lesson.

According to the website www.JUNETEENTH.com, “it was on June 19th, 1865 that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation had become official on January 1, 1863.  Slaves in this part of the United States were just getting the news that they were now free.   And it was as late as 1868 before some slaves became free in Texas.  Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is also a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future.”

Spiritually and metaphysically there was no coincidence that this occurred on June 19th.  Spiritually, the month of June brings laughter, joy, and excitement. A time where the energy integrates toward unity and compassion.  In numerology, the number 19 represents completion.  This number is made up of numbers 1 and 9. Number 1 signifies a beginning and 9 signifies an end, which makes number 19 a message that indicates you’re set for the next stage in life.

The formerly enslaved people were definitely embarking on a new phase in life.  A phase in which they had a greater opportunity for self-empowerment, self-determination and self-expression.

They decided whether they wanted to stay on the plantations as “hired help”, wanted to go to neighboring states in search of their long lost families or to travel to the northern states or to Canada for a whole new life.  Whatever they decided it took, strength, determination, a grounding in their own truth and a belief in their own ability to make a life for themselves.  And they did.   Some reconnected with their families or made the journey up north to start new lives.  And still others became landowners & business owners creating successful lives for themselves and generations after them. 

That is why Juneteenth is an important holiday to be celebrated.  It is a reminder of our history, our tenacity and our ability to overcome adversity. 

The summer solstice, which normally occurs on the 20th or 21st of June was also happening at that time.   Spiritually and metaphysically, the Summer solstice has so much meaning.  Not only for our ancestors but for all of us now.

Forever Conscious says, “The Summer Solstice is the highest point of energy for the year. We are bathed in the full power of the Sun and everything is illuminated.”  And Natalia Kuna says, “The summer solstice is a celebration of the return to light, and it so powerfully reminds us of the light within each of us and the full potential of our individuated as well as united light or Christ consciousness.”

Summer is the season of Yang energy (the masculine energy). It is the energy that drives us to do, build, create. It is expansive and passionate, bold and commanding.  It radiates, like the summer sun shining so fiercely and confidently this season.

We have already started harnessing the power of this solstice.  Whether it is as a group taking to the streets in protest.  Or using our voices to expose all of the injustices small and large or individually by having difficult conversations with the white people in our lives.   We have begun harnessing the Divine power of this sun.

The solstice is also time of reflection.  In particular, a reflection of your relationship with yourself.  It is a natural way to reconnect with life’s Divine plan and to feel a deep connection to all of life and the natural world.   Honor your unique journey as you walk on this earth plane and along your spiritual path. 

Have you done your self-reflection? What are you doing to empower yourself and ready yourself for the challenges we still face in this country?  Are you doing what our ancestors did when they left those plantations by staying grounded in Truth and exercising your faith.  Take this time to bathe in the powerful rays of the sun.  Allow it to illuminate the truth and reveal your strength and activate your voice. 

The solstice is a time of new beginnings Wyld Witchery says, “The Summer Solstice is aligned with the element of fire, passion, will & drive. This is the time to seek right action, to choose to walk in alignment with your beliefs.  Now is the time for you to look at the grander scope of your life and spiritual path and take note of what is out of alignment. What doesn’t serve you? What things do you tell yourself or others that are not in line with what you preach? What things do you do that do not serve your personal and spiritual growth?”

For it is when we remember that we are unique individuated expressions of Spirit instead of embracing victim mentality. Or when we stand tall and grounded in truth and the foundation of our ancestors instead of giving up because it seems hopeless or hard. Or when we speak up for ourselves instead of silencing our own voices against daily injustices.  Then, and only then will we become self-empowered and strong enough to empower our communities

As evidence by the landmark supreme court decision handed down this week, it is the civil rights legislation that we fought and died for that is still empowering other marginalized and minority groups in the country.

I know we have had a long, hard, violent history in this country.   But it has been a foundation in Truth, the love of our ancestors and our connection to Spirit that gotten us this far.  And it will be our activated faith our belief in the truth of who we are and our alignment with all there is that will allow us a greater opportunity for self-empowerment, self-determination and self-expression.

Today’s Affirmation Is:

“I Stand Up for Myself and My Community because I Matter.”

~ Rev. Drea


Namaste Truth Students. Rev. Drea here and I will be your TA for today’s Lab class.  Thank you for bringing your frequency and vibration to CREATIVE VISUALIZATION 101.  Today we are going to discuss how to use CREATIVE VISUALIZATION to activate one of the most powerful tools in your manifestation arsenal…. your imagination.  As your teaching assistant, I am here to support you in your unfolding awareness of the power of your imagination.

So let’s dive right in with a few reminders about our spiritual and natural laws.

First Spiritual Law– there is only one presence, one power, one Divine Creative Energy source of the Universe and it is called by many names, Divine mind, Universal intelligence, Divine Energy, Spirit, God. And everything including each and every one of us comes forth from that Divine creative energy.

Second Spiritual Law – we are made in the image and according to the likeness of this Divine Creative Energy, which means we are energy and have the ability to be creative as well.

 “The Law of the conservation of Energy” – which states Energy can neither be created or destroyed, but it can change forms.

One of the tools we have to help us change or transmute the form of energy, to bring forth the invisible into the visible, to manifest our goals and dreams, to call forth that which we desire is our imagination.  It is a powerful manifesting tool.  And

CREATIVE VISUALIZATION is one way of using your imagination to help manifest the you desire for your life. This technique has been around for a long time and there is evidence-based research that it, time and time again. For example, there have been experiments with athletes running a race.   And the have diodes and nodes and so forth hooked up to them to measure their brain and muscle activity.  Then, they had those same athletes go into a meditative state and visualize themselves running their race, and the same brain activity and muscle fibers were fired up as if they were actually competing.  That is how powerful the imagination is. Creation happens twice.  First in the mind through thought, which is then followed by creation in the physical world.

Psychiatrist, Dr. Abigail Brenner says:

There are three requirements for CREATIVE VISUALIZATION to be fully effective
  • The desire to create what you have decided to visualize,
  • The belief in what you have chosen to attain through your visualization and the certainty that you will attain it, and
  • The acceptance of having whatever you have visualized as your goal.

These three things are crucial.  And they all come down to the same thing.  Do you believe that you can have, do, or experience what you are claiming? If not, why?  Is there a fear of failure or success, is there a feeling of unworthiness, is there someone else’s belief about you that you have accepted as your own.  If so, then CREATIVE VISUALIZATION and any other technique will only take you so far.

You must come to the divine revelation, spiritual understanding and/or conscious awareness that you, as a unique and individualized expression of Spirit are worthy of every Divine Idea that is revealed to you and through you.  And once you do that, once you internalize the truth of who you are.  Then, you can use CREATIVE VISUALIZATION and any other technique to activate your imagination, to manifest that which is for your highest and best good. Everyone has the ability to use CREATIVE VISUALIZATION as a tool to help achieve their desired goals

 Here are a few steps that I am giving you as homework to help you get started:

Become Still

Use meditation, prayer or a breathing exercise. To free yourself from distracting thoughts and emotions.   This will make your visualization more meaningful and intense.

Engage Your Imagination

Once you have become still and start to feel yourself relax. Start visualizing in your mind’s eye exactly what you desire in vivid detail.  Imagine not only what it looks like, but what it smells like, what it sounds like, how it feels and even how it tastes, depending on what you are visualizing.  For example, if you are wanting to take a vacation to a beach.  Smell the sea air, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin.  Imagine yourself digging your toes into the sand.  Are you swinging on a hammock?  Are you with friends, a loved one or by yourself?  Get creative and be as detailed as possible

Hold Fast to the Feeling

Creating the detailed vision is the first part, but the magic happens in harnessing the emotions, and the feelings that you generated from your detailed picture.  For it is the emotion and feeling behind the CREATIVE VISUALIZATION that will be the momentum builder to help bring your vision to reality.  Hold fast to the excitement, the happiness, relaxation, peace, joy, love and bliss from your visualization and continually affirm your belief that you already are that thing you are wanting to attract.


Make CREATIVE VISUALIZATION a daily practice until it becomes a habit.You must be consistent in focusing on that which you desire. Put an affirmation about you goal on your bathroom mirror, your computer, your phone, near the coffee maker at the door when you are leaving the house, in your rear-view mirror.  Take time out in your day to affirm, reaffirm, and triple re affirm what it is you desire.  It should be the thing that is in the forefront of you mind.  Why?  Because there will be distractions, challenges, set-backs, detours.  And you must have cemented that laser focus to persevere through the noise. Distractions of everyday life.

You must be committed to achieving your goals.  There is no one else that can achieve your goals for you.  There is no one to blame and no excuses that will be satisfactory.  I can find a million plus stories of people that should not have done, had or experienced the amazing life they had due to circumstances that were no fault of their own.  But the reason they have such amazing lives is because they took responsibility and became the expert in their own lives.  They became the pro.  No one is saying that you have to be a superstar or famous or rich to be successful.  You just have to find your purpose and with dogged determination live it. 

Do you know the difference between an amateur and a pro?  An amateur practices until they get it right.  A professional practices until they Can’t Get It Wrong.   That is the type of focus you have to have.  And if it is truly what you desire, and you believe in it with all your heart, mind, body and soul then it won’t be hard work.  Your faith will be activated, and it will be compelling work.  It will be what feeds your momentum. So, be the professional for whatever it is you desire. If it is to be the best best-friend then be it.  If it is to be the number one harmonica player, then do it.  If it is to mindfully experience in each end every present and perfect moment, then go ahead and experience it.

We will end todays CREATIVE VISUALIZATION Lab class with a poem that ends with an affirmation.

It was the favorite poem of one of the most gifted creative visualizers of our time.  Nelson Mandela drew strength from this poem every day of his incarceration as he visualized his freedom and the freedom of an entire nation.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I AM the Master of My Fate, I AM the Captain of My Soul.”

 Thank you for joining me on this special edition of our Daily Dose of Truth.

~ Rev. Drea

The Power of Your Words

Namaste All,

Last week, we talked about the power of the sound of your voice and how it connects you to the divine song of the universe.  Whether it was singing, speaking, rapping, sighing moaning, humming or even some guttural utterance.   There is power that comes from the use of your voice and sounds that come from it.

This week we’re going to speak about the Power of the Words that you use. 

I came across the following quote:

“Some people speak like animals; their words have no meaning.  They chatter day and night like frogs in a well.   People have their own ways of talking, and they are all different.  You should think carefully before you speak. Words should be uttered with great discrimination.”

~ Sundardas

One key to achieving Spiritual awareness is to be intentional and careful about the words we use.   Words can be considered the currency by which thoughts take form in our minds, and are expressed outwardly.

Think of yourself as a composer, choosing your words as though you are selecting the notes, and chords that will make up the melody and soundtrack of your life.   The creative power of your thoughts and words along with all the thoughts and words included in the universal divine flow help to create the grand symphony of our collective lives.

Most of today’s social, education and political systems don’t really emphasize how important words are in creating our lives and our world.  These days, our politicians weave words together for two reasons :

  • To sow seeds of fear and mistrust that only they can protect us from or
  • To confuse us with non-sequitur speech, what is commonly known as “the pivot” instead of having honest dialogue about the things that are important to us.

The success of this kind of word play in the political arena is causing this kind of non-sequitur speech to creep into all areas of discourse in our lives.  This is having very real and unintentional consequences of creating a world of fear, mistrust and confusion. 

Anyone who truly understood the power of words would be more careful to avoid such reckless and repetitive use of such negative, confusing and self-destructive speech.  With repetition, our words become more powerful and more engrained in our consciousness, of those who are receiving our words, and even in the collective consciousness of the entire world.  Words are powerful currencies that deserve great care, respect, and use.

We program ourselves with the words we speak.  Whether consciously or unconsciously.  If you have a habit of saying that people or situations make you sick, then don’t be surprised if that becomes manifested in your life.

It reminds me of the scripture, Matthew 15:11

“For what goes into your mouth will not defile you; but what comes out of your mouth that is what will defile you.”

Many ancient cultures, spiritual traditions and world philosophies assert that the entire world as we know it is created by words.  Words have power.  Therefore, we must respect this awesome power, and attend to how you are spending the currency of your words with at least as much cares as you watch your financial spending.

Many ancient cultures, spiritual traditions and world philosophies assert that the entire world as we know it is created by words.  Words have power.  Therefore, we must respect this awesome power, and attend to how you are spending the currency of your words with at least as much cares as you watch your financial spending.

The following are several tips to help us be more mindful of thoughts, ideas, and desires that we give voice to.

1.       Take time to become very clear about the world you wish to create for yourself.  That which you think about and dream about, you speak about.  It is not enough to know what you don’t want, because then you will be speaking about and lending power to what you do not wish to manifest into your life.   If you know what you want and focus on what you want, then you will use your God given power to call forth the life you desire for yourself and the world.

2.       Develop a vocabulary for your life. Find positive and constructive words that you can use in place of the negative self-talk that we consciously and unconsciously engage in.  For example, someone told me the other day that they will no longer say that they are going to or wanting to “lose weight” because they do not intend to find it again.D Not to mention there is nothing lost in divine Mind.   They replaced that phrase with “they are releasing the weight.”  It is only a change in one word, from losing to releasing.  But it makes so much difference in the energy that you bring to that topic.   Find words that will constantly infuse positive vibrations of love, happiness compassion and kindness into your life.

3.       Create a mantra, slogan, motto or affirmation for your life.  A phrase that will be easy for you to remember that you can you say that will raise your frequency and vibration.  A phrase that will dissolve the darkness and bring life into any situation or circumstance you are in.  A phrase that brings you back to this present moment and the abundance, prosperity and love that is always available to you.  A phrase that brings you back into alignment with your highest and best self.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I AM Intentional about the Words I use to Create My Life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Photo by Alexandra on Unsplash

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The Power of your Voice

This month our Freedom Friday blogs will be focusing on the Spiritual faculty of Power and today we will be saying YES! to the Power of our Voice.

Today’s Scripture comes from St. John 1:1 “In the beginning was the word and word was Sound”

In the universe, everything has its own unique sound, whether animal vegetable or mineral, even silence has a sound. From time immemorial and from every corner of life, from the prophets of Israel, to the shaman of Africa, the medicine men of native America, to the elders and ancestors of our families they have all experienced the music of the universe and sung it back to us in ways that expressed a sacred unity with nature and have the power to heal us body, mind, and soul.

According to soulvoice.net, “the human voice is a mirror of our inner universe? Our voice reveals our moods, fears, intentions, thoughts, desires and reflects who we truly are. The sound of our voice can tell us more about a person than words can ever communicate. When we release suppressed emotions, which are stored in our bones, muscles, tissues and organs, we are in fact facilitating our own self-healing. When we allow ourselves to sigh, cry, groan or moan we feel a sense of freedom because we are bypassing our control mechanism, our conscious mind our ego that controls our speech and our voice.”

Think about it. There are times when we may experience a bout with laryngitis or a sore throat. Louis Hay in the book, You Can Heal Your Life, says that “it is because your voice is somehow being repressed. It can be the result of Holding in angry words. Either you are too mad to speak, or you have a fear of speaking up. Feeling unable to express the self.”

Not using our voice to effectively communicate can damage relationships with others. Doing this allows our egos to rule our behaviors perpetuating misunderstandings and judgment. Or, the limiting belief that we are sparing someone’s feelings or protecting ourselves from accusations and condemnation.

When in actuality using our voice and more specifically, the sound of our voice to honestly, intentionally and respectfully express our emotions helps us to trust ourselves to speak more authentically from a place of truth, and honors the listener to receive the message openly, mindfully and without judgment. It actually allows for a greater alignment and connection with those we are conversing with. Thereby healing our relationships.

According to Karina, an international sound practitioner “everything that has happened to you in your life culminates in the tone and the pitch of your voice and 80 percent of what we say is delivered by the tone of the voice.”

Many women have reported that the sound of their voice changes after pregnancy and childbirth. You will often note a change in a singer’s voice after giving birth. Showing us that monumental events in our lives like bringing a child into the world not only alter how we perceive and live our lives but can also change the voice and the sound that we give it.

The tone of our voice communicates more than the words we use. Words can easily be misinterpreted, but our tone of voice reveals our true intention. The voice is often the mirror of our character and personality. Our voice remembers those painful memories and experiences that what we have chosen to forget consciously or unconsciously.

The universe is shaped by the vibration and frequency of sound, and quantum physics tells us that the universe is a vast energy field. As a matter of fact. We each have our own energy signature. And that is the key thing to remember in all of this.

Just as John F Kennedy, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill used their outer voice as gifted orators that moved millions to action even war, so did Gandhi, MLK, Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama used their inner voice of Spiritual strength that inspired millions to peaceful protests that moved seemingly immovable mountains of injustice and oppression and made way for a more just, peaceful and loving world. We all have the ability to shape our own universe with the sound of our voice.

First, use your inner voice to connect you to the Divine song of the universe. Feel your energy signature as it harmonizes with the melody of Divine Mind.

Second, use your voice to declare the intention, purpose, and direction of your life. Remember, what comes from the inside out, from the root of your tongue, the vibrations of your throat go out into the universe with your energy and will come back to you blessed and multiplied for your highest and greatest good.

Third, use your voice to support, inspire, and encourage others. If you reach but one person, you have done enough.

And finally, use your voice to express gratitude for everything you have received, are receiving and will receive in the future and you will want for nothing.

Today’s Affirmation is:

I Use the Power of my Voice to Shape this World for my Highest and Greatest Good.

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Flexibility in these Challenging Times

Namaste All!

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is quoted as saying, “The only constant in life is change.” In these challenging times it feels like things are changing faster than we can keep up with, it’s vital that we learn how to remain open, curious, and flexible in all facets of life.

Merriam-Webster says flexibility is “characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements.” Flexibility is a virtue.

Consider the following four ways you can look at flexibility, so that you can practice embracing it on every level of your being.

Emotional Flexibility is the ability to recognize, release, and regulate your emotions in changing situations.

Here are a couple of ways to increase your emotional flexibility:

Feel your Feelings. John Bradshaw said, “We cannot heal what we cannot feel.” When you feel your emotions, they pass, when you suppress them, they linger.  You know the saying: “What you resist, persists.”

Express your Feelings. Sometimes therapy is necessary to express your emotions, and sometimes writing in a journal or allowing yourself to have a good cry can do a lot to free up emotional blockages. Let the feelings flow and you’ll feel the benefits in your personal and interpersonal lives.

Energetic Flexibility is the frequency and vibration that you operate at can affect how flexible you can be in all areas of your life.

Here are a couple of ways to increase your energetic flexibility:

Connect to the Water Element.  By connecting to the water element, you can draw upon nature for inspiration by inviting more fluidity into your life. Water is flexible, but it’s powerful. Take a cleansing bath, listen to the sounds of water, or do a water meditation to feel its energetic effects. Like Bruce Lee says:

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash.  Be like Water My Friend.”

Do Something Fun.  Getting creative about how you spending this time is also a good sign of flexibility. In other words, try something new!  Take up a new hobby, call some friends or family members you’ve meaning to talk to.   Find some funny movies and shows to watch.    Break out some card games, board games or online games that you can play with your family in the house or ones you can connect with online.

Mental Flexibility – the ability to quickly adjust your thinking from one situation to the next. Something we must be able to do in these challenging times.

Here’s how you can increase your mental flexibility:

Open-Mindedness. In these times we all need to be mentally flexible and creative to find new ways of problem-solving and living and working together.  There is anecdotal evidence that many entrepreneurs and businesses have been created and thrive during times of crisis and upheaval.  Stay open to the Divine ideas that are always flowing to and through you.  You never know, you may become the next Famous Amos or Marie Calendar.

Have Faith. Letting go of ego-based logic in some cases can also help you to take action. When you trust that there is something bigger at work – the Universe, Divine mind, Universal intelligence, Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Spirit, God, the collective human consciousness or whatever you would like to call it, you avoid devastation when things don’t go exactly as planned. Logic can only get you so far. Faith in divine interplay can open you up to greater and more meaningful understanding of these life experiences.

Physical Flexibility is the final piece to the Spirit, Mind, Body connection.  We cannot practice flexibility in other areas and neglect our body temples.

Here’s how you can increase your physical flexibility:

Practice the Free Flow of Movement.  Allow your body to move—whether you are walking, stretching, dancing, doing Tai Chi, biking, or doing yoga.  Stay flexible and keep your body ready for when this time of forced stillness is over.  We will all need to be ready to kick start, renew, re-energize, revitalize, reform and most likely adapt to a new way of life.

It is important to be flexible in these challenging and changing time.  Because it is man’s ability mental, emotional, spiritual and physical ability to adapt that will help us come out on the other side of this crisis.  As a better, stronger, and more loving world.

Today’s affirmation is as follows:

I AM as Flexible as the Grace and Power of Water.

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Andrew Buchanan on Unsplash

Strengthening your alignment with Spirit- Mind Body, and Soul

Namaste All! I am Rev. Drea, your Spiritual Chiropractor, and March is represented by the Spiritual faculty of Strength. So, I want to speak with you about how you can use this faculty to strengthen your alignment with Spirit.

Strength is the confidence and fortitude to take the next step. In II Corinthians, Chapter 5, we read, “I walk by faith not by sight”. In life, when you are presented with a challenge that makes you want to crawl under a blanket, it is the faculty of strength that gives you the ability to open up to divine guidance and move forward, one step at a time.

This strength is the ability to hang on when you are just beginning on the path and you want to shrink away and turn back because it looks too difficult. It is the quality of endurance, which keeps you from sinking when you find yourself out in the middle too far away to turn back, yet feeling weary and unable to see how you can complete the rest of the journey.

Finally, Strength keeps you centered and on point when you see what you think is the end in sight. It keeps you from rushing headlong into the mirage.

Being lifted in Divine Strength is like being on a ropes course, a tree-top experience, where you find you are climbing above your fears and balancing beyond your reach.  Life gives us daily opportunities to exercise our Spiritual faculty of Strength.

Some opportunities ask us to do the next thing when we think we can’t. Some ask us to keep our mouth shut when we want to complain or get into someone else’s business. Some opportunities ask us to say no when we think we should say yes, and vice versa. We are never alone in any state of weakness.

Divine strength accompanies us in thought, word, and deed. As scripture says in Matthew 24:22 “Be ye also ready” we must prepare ourselves for the way strength will manifest in our lives. Here are some ways to engage with your faculty of strength as you align with Spirit.

1. Become still. William Warch in his book How to Use Your Twelve Gifts from God tells us “One of the wonderful ways strength manifests itself in your consciousness is in the form of patience. Patience is calm, uncomplaining endurance. It is persistent courage. Whenever you need to be courageous in a situation, all you need to do is become still.” As you still your thoughts, your actions, that stillness will allow you to acknowledge alignment with Spirit in the situation. You will gain clarity of the situation and an understanding of what the next right move is for the circumstance that you face.

2. Create Balance in your life. A well-balanced person is truly strong. If someone pushes you but you have both your feet firmly planted and grounded in Truth, you are strong. So strive for balance in all aspects of your life. Thought and feelings, work and rest/play, intellect and intuition, giving and receiving. This will truly strengthen your alignment with Spirit.

3. Know your Why. Go back to the Intention you set at the beginning of the year and reflect on why you chose it. Knowing why can give a great strength of purpose. As you experience life, you make better decisions if you have clarity about our intention. If you enter into any situation without knowing your why, that is when you can be tossed to and fro by the circumstances of life, instead of standing firm in the truth of who you are. Setting and living a life of intention and understanding your why will help you honor your alignment with Spirit regardless of the circumstance.

Take time to be still, create balance in your life and get to know your why, what wakes you up in the morning. These things will help you to grow stronger in mind, body and spirit and will in turn strengthen your alignment with the Universal Divine Flow of life and all that it has for you.

Today’s affirmation is:

“I acknowledge, honor and strengthen my alignment with the Universal Divine Flow of Life.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse

Friday, January 10, 2020 will be the first full moon after the new year, known as the “Wolf Moon”. As we have discussed, many times, before a full moon is a powerful time in which our emotions are brought to the surface for serious self-examination. This full moon will bring light to those dark places of our soul that we have conveniently hidden. We now have the opportunity to use our 2020 Spiritual vision to see what the Truth is for your vibrational frequency and alignment with the universe.

This is a special full moon. Not only is it the first full moon of the year, but we will also be experiencing a lunar eclipse. The first of four that will be occurring in 2020. That means that January 2020 is a power month that is all about recognizing, honoring and revealing your 2020 Spiritual Vision. This full moon will be filled with emotionally charged energy. Energy that will also help us look at the relational energies that we have allowed into our lives.

Take this time to gain clarity about your acquaintances, familial relationships, work relationships, and spiritual relationships. Recognize that you have the choice on how these relationships will or will not play a part in your life. Are these relationships energy vampires or are they supportive, encouraging and inspiring?

During a lunar eclipse, the veil between worlds is very thin to allow the energies of the universe to help release and make way for forward momentum and a greater expansion and awareness of conscious. We will all experience this energy differently, but we will experience it.

As the lunar eclipse helps you release, it is a great time to fill that void by setting your intentions and goals for 2020 and the decade beyond. I encourage you to take the next 28 days to sit with this Divine energy of the Full Wolf Moon Lunar eclipse and do the following:

  • Define the core values that will govern your life, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • Establish your intentions on how you plan to show up for yourself and for others. And finally,
  • Set your goals, for what you want to accomplish, which are in alignment with your core values and your intentions.

Once you do this work. You will gain the clarity and focus through your 2020 Spiritual Vision to move through any experience, whether simple or challenging, easily and effortlessly with grace.

Today’s Affirmation is:

“I Use my 2020 Spiritual Vision to experience life, easily and effortlessly with grace.”

~ Rev. Drea

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash