Wisdom of the Heart

In the book, The Revealing Word, Charles Fillmore says: “The heart, however, is but the visible expression of the invisible center of consciousness. It is the center from which the divine substance is poured forth.”

The Divine substance that pours forth is the Wisdom of the Heart. The Wisdom of the heart surpasses all understanding. You can have several PhDs, be a Rhodes scholar with an IQ of 140 and all that knowledge that you have accumulated could not begin to equal the Wisdom and understanding of the Heart.

Your brain is a tool to interpret all the signals that it is receiving from its internal and external environment. The brain uses your experiences, beliefs, emotions, and perceptions to interpret these signals. Often, those experiences no longer apply to you, the beliefs you have may be limiting and the perceptions are from your ego. And yet, you are allowing your brain to tell you how you should feel and what you should do about any situation, circumstance, or person.

Your brain is a tool, just like a hammer. Can a hammer tell you how to build a house? Then, why would you let your brain tell you how to build your life? Your heart on the other hand has a deep inner knowing that comes from Divine Mind; a knowingness that does not require thought, consultation, or examination. It only requires that you be open and receptive to it and surrendering to Truth. When you combine the clarity of your Spiritual intuition with the wisdom of the heart. You are then able to discern what is the highest and best for you in any situation.

man standing in front Asus laptop

We know from scientific research that your heart is an electromagnetic organ that is made up of primarily neural cells that store memory and knowledge, that significantly affects how we view the world.

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The energy field of your heart extends outside your physical body and is many times more powerful than the brain. An example of how this energy shows up in your life, is when you meet someone for the first time and immediately experience a connection or dissonance with them.

The ego attaches itself to sense consciousness, it builds an image of man that is not of Truth, but rather based in fear, uncertainty and unfulfilled expectations. When you don’t want to put yourself out there for fear of being let down and you think your heart has been hurt in the past, what was really being hurt was the ego; the false narrative, limiting beliefs, and unreasonable expectations of the ego; the ego that is based on the illusion of you being separate and apart from all there is. What is hurt is the ego which needs you to believe the illusion to survive; the ego that makes you feel like your heart needs to be protected.

Your heart doesn’t need to be protected. Your heart is here to protect you. You see with the spiritual intuition and the inner knowing of the heart, you can discern between truth and illusion, jealousy and love, your ego and your authentic self. Your heart senses any unusual shifts in the universal divine flow of life before your brain can.

Science has been able to measure the collective feeling of sadness and loss felt by the world when there are tragic and catastrophic events of loss of life. Your heart can feel these events even if they happen halfway across the globe before you ever hear about it on the news. Conversely, scientists have also been able to measure the collective feelings of joy, happiness, and excitement at events like a royal wedding, or saving lives after challenging events.

Your heart has a wisdom that does not need to be justified, thought about, or questioned. It has an intelligence based on the inner knowing that comes directly from Divine mind. And once you learn to get rid of the mind chatter and external distractions and tap into the Wisdom of the heart. And Trust that wisdom you will find that your heart has been the one protecting you all this time. IT reminds me of the quote from Rumi, “Your heart knows the way, run in that direction.”

Take time to meditate. It will help you reduce the distractions of the outer world and the mind chatter of the brain. It will also allow you to get to know the voice of your heart. One you do that, being open and receptive to giving and receiving love will become natural. trusting the guidance and wisdom of your heart will become easy. And life will be all the more beautiful.

Today’s affirmation:

“I Trust in the Wisdom and Guidance of My Heart.”

~Rev. Drea

To see a video of this Daily Dose of Truth, click here.

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